Selasa, 30 April 2013


Expressing of sympathy

There are some expressions to show our sympathy to other people. Some of the examples are shown below:
Oh, I am sorry to hear that                                                                          
·         That’s  too bad
·         What a pity of you !
·         Be patient, it would be better soon
·         I take my sympathy to you
·         I sympathize with your condition
·         I know how is your feeling
·         It would be OK soon.

There are also some responses to accept sympathy from other people. Here the examples.
·         Thank you very much
·         It’s very kind of you
·         I hope so
·         That’s a pity, isn’t it?
·         Thanks for your sympathy
·         Thanks for your support
·         I would be OK, thank you very much for your support

The use of the expression should determine the context of situation. it will be different expression used in different context of situation. These expressions below show  sequence of the formality, from the most formal to less formal situation

Expression of Invitation and Congratulation
Expression Inviting, Accepting and Refusing Invitation
A.    Expression of inviting
Offering invitation
Would you like to…?
I would like you to come…
I would like to ask you…
How about…?
May I get/ offer you…?
Can I ...?
Shall I ...
Let me...
Do you need ... ?

B.     Accepting invitation
Thank you very much. That would be very nice.
Thank you. I’d be glad to you
Yes, thank you. I’d be happy to go…
Thank you so much for inviting me…
Let’s meet at…
Yes, I’d love to.
Thank you. I’d like to.    
I would, very much.    
That would be very nice.
With pleasure.

C.    Refusing invitation
Thank you very much, but …
I’m not sure I can.
I’d like to, but …
That’s very kind of you, but … 

Conversation of Invitation
Conversation 1
You       : Would you like to join us in my birthday  party tonight?
Friends : Sure. Thank you very much for inviting me.
You      : Ok. See you at 's house tonight at 8 pm.
Friends: See you.

Expression Congratulation
Responding to congratulations
I’d like to congratulate you on …
It was great to hear about …
Congratulations on …
Well done
How  nice of you to say so.
Thank you very much for saying so.
I’m glad you think so.
Oh, it’s nothing special actually.
Oh, I have a lot to learn yet.
Thank you.
Oh, thanks.

Conversation of Congratulation
Conversation 1
Nesa    : Hi  Ika! How are you?
Ika       : Hi Nesa! I am fine thank you and you?
Nesa    : I am fine to. Happy Birthday Ika.
Ika       : Thank you.
Nesa    : Your party very nice. Fantastic.
Ika       : Oh, Thanks.
Conversation 2
Alin     : Good Morning Dwi!
Dwi     : Good Morning Alin.
Alin     : It was great hear about your new restaurant.
Dwi     : Thank you very much for saying so.

Expressing Love
  • I love you
  • I love you too
  • I like..
  • I enjoy..
  • I’m very keen on…
 Expressing Sadness
  • Oh, I just  don’t know what to do
  • Please leave me alone
  • Come on! It can not be as bad as all that..
  • I can see why you’re so sad…but…
Expressing embarrassment
  • How embarrassing !
  • It really makes me ashamed.
  • I was so embarassed.
  • tell me it did not happen.

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